“With what spirit must disciples of Jesus carry out this mission? First of all they must be aware of the difficult and sometimes hostile reality that awaits them. Jesus minces no words about this! Jesus says: ‘I send you out as lambs in the midst of wolves’ (Luke 10: 3).” – Pope Francis
Reflection: What are the realities you face every day in striving to follow Jesus? Have you ever felt like a lamb among wolves? What or who gave you courage or comfort in that situation?
“With what spirit must disciples of Jesus carry out this mission? First of all they must be aware of the difficult and sometimes hostile reality that awaits them. Jesus minces no words about this! Jesus says: ‘I send you out as lambs in the midst of wolves’ (Luke 10: 3).” – Pope Francis Reflection: What are the realities you face every day in striving to follow Jesus? Have you ever felt like a lamb among wolves? What or who gave you courage or comfort in that situation?
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